Gym Etiquette Can’t Be This Difficult

I’m upset. It’s 2021 and people still don’t know how to go about the gym in a reasonable manner. I’m pretty relaxed when it comes to gym etiquette as long as you’re prone to using common sense. However, the common sense is what I keep seeing a lack of since I’ve had to transition into sharing a workout space with strangers. Here are my gripes.

  1. Wiping Equipment
    • It’s 2021 and people still turn a blind eye to wiping gym equipment off before/after using it. You are one nasty mf if you’re still pretending like that’s optional. We’re in a viral pandemic and people are still being inconsiderate. Most gyms provide you with towels and sanitizing wipes and yet these assholes are still rawdogging the equipment and leaving their stank booty sweat to marinate on the machine. I’ve seen maybe, just maybe 5% of people bother to clean before/after they’re workout and that number is probably generous. Humans are awful.
  2. Racking Weights
    • Rerack the weights dawg. We’re supposed to be grown adults here. It’s literally one of the first lessons we’re taught in life. Put things back where you got them from. Is it laziness? It shouldn’t be. You’re at the gym.
  3. Fans
    • I’m willing to hear this one out especially considering the circumstances of the past year and a half but am I in the wrong for getting annoyed at someone turning the fan on if I was the only one in the gym and I had it off? I personally prefer it off because I’m there to sweat and if it’s blowing directly on me my sweat’s going to dry up and I’ll feel too relaxed. However, I get people don’t want to overheat and well of course, mustiness.
  4. Social Distancing
    • I’m currently using the gym in my complex. It’s smaller, but I prefer that it’s less crowded and super convenient. I get that there’s a limited amount of treadmills but we have 4. If I’m on the one furthest right and the other 3 are empty, why do you need to get on the one right next to me. Again, we’re in a panorama. Stay the hell away from me, please.
  5. Children
    • Don’t leave your kids unattended in the gym. Why is your daughter rolling the exercise ball on the treadmill? I was going to use that…
  6. Wasting Time
    • If you show you up to the gym in slides to sit in the chest press machine to text for 5 minutes, do 5 curls, and 5 shoulder presses you are not serious. Go home.

Am I justified in my complaints?

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