Vegans Have Got To Stop

Vegans, just hear me out right quick. I’m not here to start a war or judge your lifestyle. I actually think it’s commendable that you’re willing to adjust your diet to practice healthier habits and benefit the environment. I only have one specific thing to nitpick at because there’s a severe flaw in logic on your end that I need to point out.

You have to stop coining dishes with meat-based names. You have to. It’s false advertisement. No one who eats an item with the word “vegan” preceding it should expect it to taste like chicken or beef or any other type of animal-based meat. However, trying to trick people into thinking they taste the same by branding it as that is not wavy either.

I understand your goal is to entice people into trying your product and eventually committing to that lifestyle but from my point-of-view that’s distorted marketing. If I was presented with what I thought was chicken nuggets, but actually was the vegan version, I’d be pretty pissed, not going to lie.

Absolutely not.

If you want to call something “vegan pizza” that’s fair game. Meat isn’t necessary for it and while the vegan cheese tastes a tad wonky in my opinion, it’s passing. But you can’t defend calling something “vegan chicken wings” or “vegan brisket” or “vegan steaks” etc. You can’t do that because you’re missing the essential ingredient. How is something “vegan brisket” when there isn’t any actual brisket??? Why are you dressing your food up and cosplaying it as something that it isn’t? I’m not saying these concoctions taste bad. I’m just saying that they don’t taste like what they are promoted as. You can’t truly emulate the true nature of a ribeye or a drumstick.

Truth be told, I attempted a vegan diet a few years ago and the experience was frankly miserable. I didn’t dive all the way in as I only practiced it during the weekdays. Those 2-3 months of Mondays through Fridays were awful. I’m already somewhat of a picky eater as is so finding options to sustain my protein intake was difficult to begin with. I had a hard time keeping on weight and I was always hungry after workouts, even with a protein shake. That lifestyle simply isn’t for everyone but at least I can say I tried it.

I vividly recall the first time I actually got intoxicated, like puking my brains out and needing a guide because I was walking with my eyes closed type drunk, I was downtown with the homies and as we were leaving the bars/clubs we passed a vegan food truck. My boy had us stop because he wanted to try a vegan hot dog and the reason I remember this moment crystal clear is because I snapped out of my very inebriated state once I heard the words “carrot” and “hot dog” conjunctively. I had to restrain myself from smacking that bun out of his hands.

Enough about me though. Again, my only request is that the vegan community abandons the clickbait titles for their dish and calls a spade a spade. Keep doing your thing but please, if you’re going to promote vegan, do it with reason.

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